Energy Healing Sessions

Everyone deserves to feel alive, fully expressed, and happy.


What does a session look like?

We begin the session with a consultation in which we explore and discuss any challenges that are coming up for you in any area of your life, and where you may be struggling emotionally or physically. I ask a series of in depth questions to discover any imbalances that have created disruptive patterns in your body, your organs, muscles, bones or any location that feels out of alignment.

I then do energy-work to restore the optimal flow of life-force energy to your body and your energy field. This helps bring your entire system back into balance and vitality. I also facilitate the clearing of energy blockages, which will help you release anything that is not serving you in your life, to make room for what you are choosing to create.

Energy Healing sessions are performed remotely so that you can be in a comfortable environment at your home as you integrate the healing.

Bonus Assessment

After the session, I provide you with an initial energetic assessment, giving you in-depth energy center readings on any blockages that may be impacting your ability to bring your visions and goals into form. I also share any intuitive messages that come forth during your healing.

These sessions bring deepened awareness to your physical, emotional and mental well-being, and answer questions around your life direction. The result is a positive ripple effect which supports greater alignment in all areas of your life.

Each client receives an individualized consultation and treatment to meet their needs along with tools to help support them on their personal healing journey.

Things that are frequently experienced with this work:

A sense of calmness and relaxation – Understanding and clarity around challenging issues – Releasing of blocked energy – Increased energy levels – Deeper spiritual connection and understanding – Opening to your own inner wisdom – Resolving of chronic conditions or illnesses – Increased sense of well-being.

Will my session be as effective working remotely?

Yes. The Energy Medicine technique I practice is called Universal Life Force Energy (ULFE), which can be done for clients anywhere around the world, regardless of geographic location, and is just as powerful as hands-on, in-person healing. Universal Life Force Energy is intelligent and always flows to the deepest level and places in need of healing in the body. (physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual).

Healing intentions are set by you before your session, and then energy is focused and directed to you in the same manner as if we were in person. During the session you may be lying down or engaged in an activity such as meditation or yoga, as the ULFE flows to you.